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7.3 Individually-Written Report and Presentation on Software Learning Project

7.3 Individually-Written Report and Presentation on Software Learning Project

Q After collaborating with your group to create a final draft of the Software Learning project, you now need to complete a formal report and presentation for your supervisor about the results and success of the project. Use the information in Chapters 11 and 14 to aid you in formatting and developing these documents. Here are the instructions: (1) Write a detailed 3-4 page formal professional (not academic) report that discusses the process and progress of the Software Learning project as a whole. See Chapter 11 for more details. The document should include: a. cover page, b. executive summary, c. explanation of the purpose, audience, and process of the project d. usability test results e. revisions made based on results f. recommendations for future projects g. contributions - of yourself and your team members h. any supporting tables, charts, and appendices (2) Create a PowerPoint presentation that you would present to your me, your supervisor, that sums up the main points of the formal report in 5 minutes (about 5-10 slides). You must also include Notes below the slides or a separate script in an MS Word doc to show what you would say if this presentation was "live".

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Executive Summary The Software Learning project is an opportunity for every professional student to ensure that there can be proper ways of interpreting a specific chosen software. The details of providing specific steps for new learners to learn new aspects about a new software can make every professional student more knowledgeable. The probable difficulties of every new learned has to be considered with empathizing for being able to provide clear and better designs of steps to be followed by new learners. The individuals in this this kind of project will always have to collaborate their existing and acquired knowledge about new software. Explanation of the purpose, audience, and process of the project The purpose has to be determined by the members of the group involved in the creation of the software learning project. This is because the determination of a common purpose can lead to the development of common or mutual goals to be accomplished for the project. For example, the purpose for making the software learning project by me and my team members on Toggl Track (a software) had been to make new users understand the ways to use it. If the audience is not provided with adequate and clear information, there cannot be thorough comprehension of the ways in which new accounts in new software can be created and used by users. The type of audience must be determined from beforehand also.